Thursday, December 16, 2010

Marketing Survey
What are your favourite colours?
When you buy perfume, do you like a strong or mild scent? Does the shape or the color of the bottle matter?
What kind of colours of clothing would you buy for your guy?
What style of clothing do you wear?
What style of jeans do you like? Ex. Skinnies, low-rise etc. Do you prefer wild and funky colors such as red, pink, purple etc, or do you prefer normal colors such as blue?
How often do you wear tights?
How often do you wear skirts?
In the summer time would you rather wear short shorts or shorts that come to your knees?
If it was plus fifty outside would you rather wear a tank top or a t-shirt?
When you buy pajamas what do you look for? What kind of material? What colors?
Would you rather wear lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm, or other?
Do you care of not if the color of your clothing matches your hair color?
What kind of socks do you prefer? Ankle or regular? What kind of colors? Do they have to be a certain material? Do you like it when they have a design on them?
When buying shampoo does the shape, color, or size of the bottle matter? Do you look for a certain brand name?
What you do want the product to do? Ex. Make your hair silky, soft smooth, or straighten your hair?

Monday, December 6, 2010

It is an illegal publication of sensitive information. Hacking computers is illegal big time and its no one else’s business what info they have. The article is about the founder of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange said “it was in the public's right to know." I see where he's coming from.... he doesn't know what the goverment has to hide from us and im sure he thinks that there should be nothing to hide. Thinking for myself though, even if there wasn't anything personal I wouldn't want anyone to hack my computer and post it on the Internet. In a way thats kinda rude. Thats invading people's privacy. Another thing is its not a good thing that they did this because now its only gonna give more fights and violence. People from other countries will be able to see everything and it could start a war. We do not need this and we already have enough violence and problems to deal with.