Monday, January 10, 2011

Why is poverty so high? In an article it read that over half of the kids in the United States will at some point before they turn 18 receive food stamp assistance. This is sad if you really think about it. Why is this when we have an abundant of food where we live? Some reasons may be we waste an abundant amount of food each day. Grocery stores, restaurants, and so forth throw out a ton of food due to it being expired or them not being able to sell it. I understand that they don't know what else to do with it besides throwing it out but there's alot of people that would gladly eat it. A suggestion would be bring it to a place where it would be served to the homeless and so forth. One place in particular is the Salvation Army. Some businesses may have considered doing this but they think it's too much work and wastes too much of their time to deliver it. I don't think it's ever too much time and they should consider the homeless and needy people. They would do it right aways if they knew what the homeless were going through. I think people should experience that just for that reason. According to researcher Andrew Gelman, he quoted "that people are either on welfare or they're not. People always think that they can go and work but sometimes there's pretty good reasons for why they're not it. Im not saying that it's a good thing to get assisted help from the goverment but sometimes people don't understand what they're going through and the pain they're experiencing. It's important that we help out people where we can even if we don't feel the need. It's plain selfishness.

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